MAF Christmas 2022

Dear fellow Malaysians and friends of Malaysia.

Greetings from Malaysian Association in France

First of all, sincere apologies, unable to find a restaurant which serves western food due to certain constraints; group size, privatization, venue, price factor, etc.

Finally we have found a restaurant which caters to all our requirements to celebrate MAF annual Christmas lunch.

Restaurant MAK THAI,
17, Rue Vignon
Metro:  Madelaine, Paris 8
Date: Sunday 4th December 2022
Time: 12h30 – 15h30

Salad papaya, nems poulet,
Pad thai shrimps
Filet of salmon in curry panang sauce
Chicken with citronella halal
Beef ribeye
Desserts : Flan Thai and perle coco.
Chinese Tea

Food will be served to either  4 or  6 person per table.

Participants pls pay 20 euros per person

If you have a windfall, you are welcome to bring along snacks, chocolates, macarons desserts, cheese, wine, etc .. that you would like to share.

Registration Closing Date: 1st Dec at 22h00.

Kindly register on the link below for the restaurant to prepare for the party accordingly.

Click here to register!

Only 68 seats available (first come first served basis)

Reminder: please inform MAF Exco for any last minute cancellation.

Thank you.
MAF Exco 

Best regards,