Volunteer yourself for MAF’s booth (Malaysian Food Bazaar)

Dear members,

MAF is participating in the upcoming Malaysian food bazaar by holding 2 drinks booths.

We are actively seeking volunteers among all our members/friends to help us as part of the organising team.

The volunteers will assist in setting up and decorating the booths, sales of drinks, distributing food coupons, cleaning up at the end of event, etc.

As a reminder, the event will be held on the 5th June 2016 (Sunday) at Rumah Malaysia – 48 Boulevard Suchet, 75016 Paris.

We hope to assemble 3 teams:

Team 1 : 4-5 helpers from 9h00 to12h00

Team 2 : 4-5 helpers from 12h00 to 15h00.

Team 3 : 4-5 helpers from 15h00 18h00.

There will be press food bloggers on that day to write about the event, please wear Malaysian traditional outfit if you have, this would be good for photos! 😉

All helpers will be provided with a packet of nasi lemak and unlimited tea and water, with best compliments from Maf.

To volunteer yourself to be part of this grand event, simply sign up via this link by 27th May (Friday) :
Click here to volunteer!

Let’s make this Food bazaar an unforgettable experience together !

Best regards,

Concert at Choeur du Lycee Richelieu

An activity open for all!

Permettez-moi d’attirer votre attention sur les deux concerts que donneront la semaine prochaine le Choeur du LycĂ©e Richelieu de Rueil et le Choeur des Centro de la SociĂ©tĂ© GĂ©nĂ©rale, ainsi qu’un ensemble instrumental rĂ©uni pour l’occasion, sous la direction de Clara Brenier :

* mercredi 11 mai, 20h30, au temple de l’Etoile
(54, av. de la Grande Armée : métro Argentine ou RER Etoile ou RER Porte Maillot)
au profit de la recherche contre les cancers de l’enfant (Association ADAM, Institut Curie)

* jeudi 12 mai, 20h30, Ă©glise St Pierre St Paul de Rueil-M.
au profit de la restauration de l’orgue

Vous pouvez assister aux deux (!) mais le programme sera le mĂȘme :
le Gloria de Vivaldi, et un Divertimento de Mozart.

n’hĂ©sitez pas trop, c’est beau et vivifiant, et pour de bonnes causes.

Bien Ă  vous

affiche fp 08

Idea for outing this weekend

Dear all members,
Here goes an idea of outing at the Pagoda of Vincennes this weekend.
Matin: 10H00-11H30
Cérémonie Bouddhiste
AprĂšs-midi: 13H00-18H00
Danse classique KhmĂšre par AJBK
Chayam Khmer (danse de tambours)
Danse Folklorique KhmĂšre
Stand up Vicha Killazer
Danse classique KhmĂšre par Kathleen
DĂ©monstration de Kun Khmer (art martial Khmer) par Sarin
Concert musical Khmer avec Dj Khla
Et beaucoup d’autres surprises!
Kind regards,
MAF Exco


Malay cast

Dear members,
Please find below a message for those who might be interested.
We strongly advise you to do a background check and scrutinise the contract before reaching any deal with the person below.
Kind regards,
MAF Exco


Je me permets de vous contacter parce que je suis rĂ©alisatrice et dans le cadre d’une tournage d’un spot web je cherche:
– 1 garçon de 6 ans apparence IndonĂ©sienne ou Malay
– 1 femme entre 27 et 35 ans apparence IndonĂ©sienne ou Malay

1 journée de tournage
250 euros chaqu’un

Je vous remercie énormément,
Tamaris Rappini

Corporate membership section

Dear all members,

Following our recent launch of malaysiansinfrance.com, we are so excited to introduce our new feature :
All MAF corporate members will have complete freedom to post contents related to their activities directly to our website.
You may increase your company/organisation’s visibility and online footprint by just joining MAF as corporate member.
Our annual corporate membership stands at 160 euros.
So what are you waiting for?
Contact our secretary tanjunyen@gmail.com for more information.
Kind regards,

New line up of MAF committee members

Congratulations to the new line up of MAF Exco!
President : Mr Yap
Vice president : Phebe
Secretary : Jun Yen
Treasurer : Karen Lau
Exco : Juliana, Kai Shan, Syazwan, Jun Win, Poon

Attendance during this AGM was at a record level, thank you for your continuous support and your faith in MAF!
